Watkins Glen is one of America’s racing jewels. Perched on what feels the top of the world, the horizon line falling away in all direction, this historic race track once hosted Gran Prix on par with the best that Europe had to offer. It couldn’t hurt that the track is also located in upstate New York, at the base of one of the finger lakes. In the heart of Wine Country. And it just happens to be a beautiful couple hour drive from my home, which includes the option for time on Rt 287 (if you know, you know).

Vintage racing is best experienced in vintage settings and it simply does not get better than The Glen. Not only does one have the legendary track and sublime natural grandeur of the glacial carved landscape; the town of Watkins Glen seems to live for this weekend. The Vintage Gran Prix at The Glen encapsulates the historic Formula One weekends. There is a festival downtown with a full day of activities culminating in the race cars doing several “reenactment” laps of the Old Circuit (local roads including Franklin St, the town’s main street). I have ridden shotgun for this beyond words experience. It was beyond words – heading down to the stone bridge in a Lotus 7 – Oh My!
I highly recommend taking a classic car, a beautiful woman who loves you, and a lot of memories.
Here is a bit of the big boys pounding round The Glen, taken from inside the last turn as they head on to the straight. You can hear them navigating the Boot and then coming around to take another lap.